Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week one: results

Hi again! It was sort of a wild and crazy week. Lots going on at work, mother-in-law in town, several fun, but schedule-disrupting activities... but all in all, I'm pretty pleased with myself.

Here's the run down:

Managed to check off every goal every day - drank 4 glasses of water, exercised at least 20 minutes, stayed away from fatty foods and sweet tea/sodas (but I did drink wine... because I made up the rules) and I've been standing at work at least an hour every day. So, woot!  Small victories.

Weight's more or less the same, but you'd expect that. I'm still not doing any major dieting, so the weight's not just going to drop off. I mean, I had a cookie at 10 just because they were in the breakroom. And I was a teeny bit hungry. So, plenty long way to go.

The most encouraging thing is that I didn't find any of these small tweaks to be particularly challenging. Yeah, I wanted me some sweet tea at lunch yesterday, but I got unsweet and gave myself a mental pat on the back.

Small victories, remember?

I'm hoping to keep these up for another couple of weeks and then add to them. I'm not totally sure what small things to add. I'll keep thinking on it though.

See you next week! Hang in there and celebrate the little steps you're able to take this week.



  1. Hi Sarah! My name is Mario. I was hoping you could answer a question I have about your blog. Send me an email when you get a chance. You can reach me at trucillo.mario (at) recallcenter (dot) com

  2. You're doing great! Time for an update. Thanks for helping to motivate me!
