Monday, May 2, 2011


This weekend, U-S Hubby and I headed down to South Carolina with - I kid you not - 10 of our closest friends. I mean, seriously. Beat that. The whole gang came from as far away as Knoxville (hey Carrie!) and gathered for a perfect weekend in a restored southern farm house (complete with slave and overseer's quarters... for reals. We rented 3 houses.) My sister found this place for my bachelorette party last year. She scored big time.

This is the big house - be jealous. When we got there, we immediately separated in boys and girls - as is usually the case. The boys fished and drank. The girls talked and watched the royal wedding and drank. And we got bug bites. A lot of them.

Highlights: A family of otters lived right outside on the dock. AMAZING. I am a SUCKER for otters. If I could come back as an animal, it would totally be an otter. You get to live in the water and be cute. I mean seriously. Awesome.

Taco Boy for dinner - and their pineapple infused margaritas (points be damned, I was all over taco boy.)

Running with Shruthi and Alisha for the first half of their 10-miler. I ran in toogoodoo on Friday to see if they could do a long run there - no way. No shoulder (what little there was was full of fire ants - i'm deathly allergic! Bad news.) Snakes. Dogs. Cars didn't yield. And, aforementioned bugs. So, I took them into Mt. Pleasant for a run on the bridge and into the town. We ran to the crest, then into town for a bit. They did an amazing job! We are SO ready!

Hanging out with so many amazing friends. Well, that really doesn't need explanation. I laughed so hard I cried.

Duck race. This does need explanation, but I'm not sure I could do it justice.

Napping on the screen porch of the overseer's cabin. This was my view.

Life is so good. Weekends like this make me feel so thankful for the amazing people in my life. So much awful stuff in the world, and we were in a secluded SC compound surrounded by people we truly love.

And ignoring weight watchers points. #winning.

(I didn't gain - God wanted me to have a good time and eat Carrie's PB/Chocolate chip cookies. And drink sangria and mimosas.)

Here's to Toogoodoo Bluff - may each of you have a place that gives you this much peace, and may each of you find yourselves surrounded by wonderful friends as frequently as possible.

Oh yeah.

less than 2 weeks 'til the half.



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